Thursday, 18 August 2011

Home Made: Carrot and Celery Juice

5 medium carrots
1 stalk celery
1 inch peel fresh ginger (optional)
1.Scrub the carrots well and cut the tops off the carrots.
2.Wash the celery.
3.Cut the celery, carrot and ginger to an appropriate size that will allow you to process the vegetables in your juicer.
4.Mix well once the vegetables have been juiced.

About your ingredients: 

Season: Carrots can be grown all year round in the UK using various techniques. So you can buy carrots at any time of year.The largest carrot farm near London is in Cambridgeshire. British carrot producers grow around 100 carrots per year for every member of the population. So the is no reason to buy imported carrots!

Buying: Convenience carrot products, such as batons, shaped carrots and salad shred, are becoming increasingly popular. Nothing annoys me more than machine cut carrots wrapped in non recyclable plastic (other than an anemic tomato). Boycott these consumables and get yourself down to your local market. 

Nutritional values: Carrots are a great source of Vitamin A, which helps eyesight, skin, growth and helps the body fight infection.  Unlike most other vegetables , carrots are more nutritious when eaten cooked than eaten raw (except when juiced).

Season:Celery planting starts at the end of February in England; harvesting (depending on the weather) starts in early June and finishes in early November. 

 Buying: Our farms produce more celery than anywhere else in Europe. So there is no reason to reach for imported brands. Celery should last for 1-2 weeks in the fridge. A good trick for riving limp  celery is to trim a small amount off the root end and stand the sticks in lukewarm water for half an hour or so. 

 Nutritional value: It may not be the most exciting vegetable. But these nutritious stalks are great for your digestion, blood pressure and degenerative mental illnesses such as Alzheimer's. And with only 2 calories a stick they are also easy on the waste line. 1 digestive biscuit is the equivalent of 30 pieces of celery. 

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