Papers full of boobs and celebrity under carriages. Broadsheets highlighting just how bad things have got. Column inches of empty content. The UK's press is going from bad to worse. Watching the news often leaves me feeling hollow and occasionally really quite upset. I suspect that most of these media sources subscribe to a similar checklist to the below.
Things to put in my newspaper by Rupert Murdoch
Corrupt politician (as many as possible)
Last financial crisis
A selection of murders
At least one NHS failure
A celebrity we hate
A celebrity we like (who we will later destroy)
A review of the latest reality TV program
A few articles of miscellaneous drivel
Star signs
So to keep you up to date on a few things that matter I'm raiding the content on Natural news. Selecting a few interesting articles to keep you stimulated between episodes of X Factor with a bit of news that actually matters. I'll also be posting interesting films and documentaries and the occasional book review.